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Friday, July 12, 2013

Are u want to make ur camera 12MP[for A110]

Ya it is true that 12 Mega Pixels patcher come out for A110...both ICS & a days it is a great news and breaking news for all A110 users...actually it boost ur phone's camera to the highest boosts ur camera's resolution also highest level...ya it also boost ur recording also to the highest remember it may not work in all custom roms...and also it may cause that not load boot ur i am not responsible for any problem occured  in/after installation...

it keeps ur back camera quality to 12MP and front camera to 1.5 MP

linl for ICS-

link for JB-

How to install it:
1-remember CWM recovery must installed(link-
2-keep 12 MP patcher in ur sd card and flash through sd card

N.B: before installing my patchers keep a backup with CWM recovery...and some custom roms it may not show 12 MP but the quality of camera is better than default...